Quincy Goodine

Quincy Goodine

I am from Richmond, VA, and proud of it! I came to Longwood University as a confused 1st year student in 2012, and I have been here ever since. It’s been great to look back over my time and see all of the cool things that I have the opportunity to be a part of. From the original student statement of diversity and inclusion, creating Poverty & Hunger Awareness week, and being tapped to co-lead our university’s QEP, (with the help of amazing people of course), I have had some awesome opportunities here. But, my favorite aspect of my job is the students that I have met, and watched grow over the years. They keep me coming back, and make those tough days’ worth it.

Appears in 1 Episode

Championing Diversity and Leadership in Higher Education

In the final episode of the Longwood Grad Cast season, host Sarah Tanner Anderson conducts an insightful interview with Quincy Goodine, a double alum of Longwood Unive...

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